mercoledì 10 novembre 2010

4th of November 2010 _ Start Conference in Bassa Reggiana (ITALY)

GUASTALLA _ Bassa Reggiana District
The first meeting of L2L Project was held on 4th of November at Progettinfanzia Headquarters in Guastalla (RE).
The contact people from each country met to plan the contents and the arrangements about next study visits.


Giammaria Manghi (Mayor of Poviglio Municipality)
Cristian Fabbi  (Director of Progettinfanzia)
Patrizia Benedetti, Mascia Marconi, Alessandra Ferrari, Tania Bertacchi, Giliola Belli, Vania Tagliavini (Bassa Reggiana Pedagogical Coordination)
Federica Rossi (Project Coordinator)

Ark Aysegul, Gurkan Begum, Kalafat Aylin, Baglar Kubra

Angel Villalòn Torres and Vanessa Planas Iglesias

Geany Schittenhelm,  Anja Grebe,  Elke Kächelein

DURATION The project starts now with the Start Conference and will finish with the final reports in September 2012

DEADLINES The partners involved in the project have to fill in some documents:
by 30 June  2011: middle-term report and M-Tool Questionnaire
by 30 September 2012: final report and EST system

MOBILITIES As agreed, 24 mobilities will be planned for the whole project

from 6 to 13 March 2011 (Italy)
from 1 to 8  May 2011 (Turkey)
from 3 to 9 October 2011 (Germany)
from 18 to 25 March 2012 (Spain)
May 2012 (Closing Conference in Italy)

In the morning the teachers will observe the hosting teachers work with children, experiencing their way of working;
in the afternoons, we will organize meetings among teachers in order to reflect and discuss about the focus of the project and to give answer to their curiosities .
During the study visits teachers will use observation and reflection of the educational practice.
At the end of the week the visiting teachers will make a presentation about their conclusions.
To experience the culture of the hosting country we will organize some social moments as dinners and guided walks alltogether.

Visit and observation of classrooms

1st meeting at Ginestra pre-school

Meeting at Progettinfanzia Headquarters:
presentation of partners and discussion about the project

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